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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mbah Maridjan

Birthplace: Kinahrejo dukuh, Umbulharjo, Sleman
Birth: 1927
Died: October 26, 2010
Wife: Ponirah
Children: Panut Utomo, Sutrisno, Lestari, Sulastri, Widodo.

Mbah Maridjan (Mas Penewu Suraksohargo) is a gatekeeper of Merapi volcano, which is mandate from Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. He started as a gatekeeper deputy in 1970, and got his position as a gatekeeper since 1982. Every time Mount Merapi rumored to be erupting, the locals are always waiting for him command to flee.

His popularity surged in 2006, when Mount Merapi rumored to be erupted and he refused to evacuate. Since that incident, one of the sports drinks manufacturers even chose him to be the star of their product advertising.

On October 26, 2010, Mount Merapi has errupted with a hot cloud of spray. The heat clouds slid past the area where Mbah Marijan lived. Later, SAR team found 16 bodies of victims who died, one of them allegedly as Mbah Maridjan. Then the photographs* allegedly as Mbah Maridjan, who is in prostration position, was widespread in cyberspace.

*I won't upload the photo

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